For up-to-date information, announcements, and alerts about events and activities at the Shuuko Kyudojo, please join our Discord community. Discord is a private social communication utility that allows members to share, link, post, or view provided resources.
The Shuuko Kyudojo belongs among other martial arts practices at Hampshire College within the broader Budō Education Program. Alongside standard physical training, the Budō Education Program takes intellectual and spiritual development in the martial arts to the next level. Discord and our Budō Ed. server allows for members to meet across all martial arts practices at Hampshire College all while belonging to exclusive sub-groups specific to kyudō, karate, aikidō, etc
Sign in now with the following link or scan the QR code for access.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Discord link, here
– Samuel Kanner
Instructor, Shuuko Kyudojo
Amherst, MA